Diospyros australis is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | South Coast | New South Wales North Coast
Barren Grounds Nature Reserve Barrengarry Nature Reserve Berry - Moeyan Hill Reserve - Landcare Boyne State Forest Buckenbowra State Forest Budawang National Park Budderoo National Park Bugong National Park Bundanon Trust Bundewallah Bushcare Bundewallah Walking Track CA0190 Cambewarra Range Nature Reserve Comerong Island Nature Reserve Conjola National Park Cullendulla Creek Nature Reserve Cullunghutti Aboriginal Area Currarong - Abrahams Bosom Beach Jerrawangala National Park Kangaroo Valley - Friends of the Brush Tailed Rock Wallaby Kangaroo Valley LB Block Kioloa State Forest Monga National Park Morton National Park Morton State Conservation Area Murramarang National Park North Brooman State Forest Rodway Nature Reserve South Brooman State Forest VC00165 VC00449 Yadboro State Forest Yatteyattah Nature Reserve Yerriyong State ForestPlaces
Kangaroo Valley, NSW Pappinbarra, NSW Yellow Rock Ridge, NSW