Gymnopilus junonius
zz agaric (stem; gills white/cream)
Oudemansiella gigaspora group
Omphalotus nidiformis
Gymnopilus sp.
Mycena subgalericulata
Coprinellus etc.
Lepiota s.l.
Lentinus fasciatus
Agaricus sp.
Inocybe sp.
zz agaric (stem; gills not white/cream)
Tricholoma sp. (gills white/creamy)
Mycena sp.
Hypholoma sp.
Clitocybe s.l.
Hygrocybe sp. (gills white/cream)
Hygrocybe sp. ‘red’
Macrolepiota clelandii
Amanita sp.
Russula sp. (genus)
zz agaric (stem; gill colour unknown)
Cruentomycena viscidocruenta
Lactarius deliciosus
Marasmius elegans
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