
Member of NPA ACT, FoAB, GBRG and Field Naturalists of the ACT. Retired earth scientist.

Page 13 of 24 - image sightings only

Hirundo neoxena (Welcome Swallow) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 11 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Rhipidura leucophrys (Willie Wagtail) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 11 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Cortinarius sp. (Cortinarius) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 11 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
zz agaric (stem; gills white/cream) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 11 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Paddys River, ACT - 10 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Nyssus coloripes (Spotted Ground Swift Spider) at Aranda, ACT - 9 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Cicadidae (family) (Unidentified cicada) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Myrmecia sp. (genus) (Bull ant or Jack Jumper) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Ephemeroptera (order) (Unidentified Mayfly) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Mirbelia oxylobioides (Mountain Mirbelia) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Stellaria pungens (Prickly Starwort) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Hakea microcarpa (Small-fruit Hakea) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Taxeotis intermixtaria (Dark-edged Taxeotis) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Chauliognathus lugubris (Plague Soldier Beetle) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Podolepis jaceoides (Showy Copper-wire Daisy) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Cadmus (Cadmus) crucicollis (Leaf beetle) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Perga sp. (genus) (Sawfly or Spitfire) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Swainsona sp. at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Goniaea australasiae (Gumleaf grasshopper) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Viola sp. (Violet) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Discaria pubescens (Australian Anchor Plant) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Velleia paradoxa (Spur Velleia) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Geranium antrorsum (Rosetted Cranesbill) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Epidesmia hypenaria (Long-nosed Epidesmia) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Chrysolarentia correlata (Yellow Carpet) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Yaouk, NSW - 5 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Phalaenoides tristifica (Willow-herb Day-moth) at Mount Clear, ACT - 4 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Epyaxa sodaliata (Sodaliata Moth, Clover Moth) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Epidesmia chilonaria (Golden-winged Epidesmia) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Cycloctenus sp. (genus) (Scuttling Spider) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Ocybadistes walkeri (Green Grass-dart) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Bruce, ACT - 2 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Trichosurus vulpecula (Common Brushtail Possum) at Weetangera, ACT - 2 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Lampropholis guichenoti (Common Garden Skink) at Aranda, ACT - 1 Dec 2021 by KMcCue
Holoplatys invenusta (Jumping spider) at Aranda, ACT - 30 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Acanthiza pusilla (Brown Thornbill) at Aranda, ACT - 28 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Lepidoptera unclassified IMMATURE moth at Coree, ACT - 27 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Coree, ACT - 27 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Passer domesticus (House Sparrow) at Holt, ACT - 27 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Olbonoma triptycha (Chezela Group) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Porrostoma rhipidium (Long-nosed Lycid (Net-winged) beetle) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Edusella sp. (genus) (A leaf beetle) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Rhipidura albiscapa (Grey Fantail) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Solanum cinereum (Narrawa Burr) at Holt, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Osphranter robustus (Wallaroo) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Falco longipennis (Australian Hobby) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Strathnairn, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Dacelo novaeguineae (Laughing Kookaburra) at Coree, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Pyralidae (family) (A Pyralid Moth) at Aranda, ACT - 26 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Aranda, ACT - 25 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Cheiracanthium sp. (genus) (Unidentified Slender Sac Spider) at Aranda, ACT - 23 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Backobourkia sp. (genus) (An orb weaver) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 17 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Hemiergis talbingoensis (Three-toed Skink) at Aranda, ACT - 16 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Intellagama lesueurii howittii (Gippsland Water Dragon) at Acton, ACT - 16 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Caladenia moschata (Musky Caps) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Gompholobium huegelii (Pale Wedge Pea) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Dianella revoluta (Black-Anther Flax Lily) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Lomandra multiflora (Many-flowered Matrush) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Pimelea linifolia (Slender Rice Flower) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Pultenaea procumbens (Bush Pea) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Stylidium graminifolium (Grass Triggerplant) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Aranda, ACT - 15 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Cynoglossum australe (Australian Forget-me-not) at Molonglo Valley, ACT - 13 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Bibio imitator (Garden maggot) at Aranda, ACT - 10 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Badumna sp. (genus) (Lattice-web spider) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Stratiomyidae (family) (Soldier fly) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Ocybadistes walkeri (Green Grass-dart) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Cebysa leucotelus (Australian Bagmoth) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Tamopsis sp. (genus) (Two-tailed spider) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Ledromorpha planirostris (A leafhopper) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Platybrachys sp. (genus) (A gum hopper) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Vanessa kershawi (Australian Painted Lady) at Aranda, ACT - 8 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Lampropholis guichenoti (Common Garden Skink) at Aranda, ACT - 6 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Malva neglecta (Dwarf Mallow) at Aranda, ACT - 6 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Lampropholis guichenoti (Common Garden Skink) at Aranda, ACT - 5 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Eudynamys orientalis (Pacific Koel) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Steatoda grossa at Aranda, ACT - 3 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Cryptachaea veruculata (Diamondback comb-footed spider) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Psychidae (family) IMMATURE (Unidentified case moth or bagworm) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Conoeca guildingi (A case moth) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Aranda, ACT - 2 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Eudynamys orientalis (Pacific Koel) at Aranda, ACT - 1 Nov 2021 by KMcCue
Zizina otis (Common Grass-Blue) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Homotrysis cisteloides (Darkling beetle) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Wahlenbergia sp. (Bluebell) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Swainsona sp. at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Elanus axillaris (Black-shouldered Kite) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Papaver somniferum subsp. setigerum (Opium Poppy) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Wahlenbergia sp. (Bluebell) at Stromlo, ACT - 31 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Hibbertia obtusifolia (Grey Guinea-flower) at Stromlo, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Dillwynia sp. at Stromlo, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Diuris sulphurea (Tiger Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Diuris semilunulata (Late Leopard Orchid) at Stromlo, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by KMcCue
Glycine clandestina (Twining Glycine) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 30 Oct 2021 by KMcCue

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