Natural habitat is in fallen timber and under bark of standing trees. However these spiders have taken to built-up areas where they live in crevices and commonly enter houses.
Isopeda sp. (genus) is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | South Coast | Greater Sydney | New South Wales North Coast | Greater Brisbane
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Alpine ANBG Aranda Bushland Bango Nature Reserve Banksia Street Wetland Corridor Bannister Point Rainforest Walking Track Bluetts Block (402, 403, 12, 11) Boro Broulee Moruya Nature Observation Area Bruce Ridge to Gossan Hill Bullen Range Callum Brae City Renewal Authority Area Crace Grasslands Emu Creek Farrer Ridge Flea Bog Flat to Emu Creek Corridor Four Winds Giralang Wetlands Goorooyarroo NR (ACT) Gossan Hill Gungaderra Creek Ponds Gungahlin Pond Hall Cemetery Hughes Garran Woodland Isaacs Ridge Isaacs Ridge and Nearby Jerrabomberra Wetlands Kama Katarina's garden Kosciuszko National Park Lake Burley Griffin West Lions Youth Haven - Westwood Farm A.C.T. Lyneham Wetland Meringo Nature Reserve Mollymook Beach Bushcare Molonglo River Reserve Mount Ainslie Mount Ainslie to Black Mountain Mount Painter Mount Pleasant Mulligans Flat Mundoonen Nature Reserve Murramarang National Park National Arboretum Woodland National Zoo and Aquarium Piney Ridge Point Hut to Tharwa Red Hill to Yarralumla Creek Rugosa Stirling Park Sullivans Creek, Lyneham South The Pinnacle Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Umbagong District Park Wallum Wandiyali-Environa Conservation Area Wingecarribee Local Government Area Woodstock Nature ReservePlaces
Braidwood, NSW Moruya, NSW Nicholls, ACT South Durras, NSW Watson, ACT