There are five species of Bandy Bandy (Vermicella) is Australia. The Common Bandy Bandy is the most widespread of the genera. It is a smooth scaled, glossy snake with a distinctive pattern of sharply contrasting black and white rings that continue right around the body. The snout is black and rounded and the tail is short and blunt. Its average length is 50–60 cm. The species possesses weak venom and is generally considered harmless due to the small size of its mouth and inoffensive nature. It is a nocturnal, burrowing snake, found beneath the soil surface, under stumps, rocks and logs. It emerges at night to forage, especially after rain. It is known to feed on blind snakes. It is very infrequently encountered. Declared Vulnerable in Victoria.
Vermicella annulata is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Greater Sydney | New South Wales North Coast | Townsville
Vermicella annulate