The White-breasted Woodswallow is the only one of the woodswallows with no white in its tail. Its distinctive 'hood' and white breast also help to distinguish it.
Artamus leucorynchus is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Hunter Region | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | New England | Far West New South Wales | New South Wales North Coast | Hume | Loddon Mallee | South West Queensland | Wide Bay | Central Queensland | Mackay | Townsville | North Queensland | Kimberley | Pilbara
Albury Belvoir Park Chiltern-Mt Pilot National Park Culburra Beach - Penguin Head Bushcare Deua National Park Drysdale River National Park Garrad Reserve Walking Track Horseshoe Lagoon and West Albury Wetlands Jervis Bay Marine Park Kremur Street Boat Ramp Mogo State Forest Monument Hill and Roper Street Corridor Mutawintji National Park Nail Can Hill Narrawallee Bushcare Narrawallee Foreshore and Reserves Bushcare Group Narrawallee Foreshore Reserves Walking Track Nine Mile Reserve Sturt National Park Table Top Reserve Wodonga Wonga Wetlands Yathong Nature ReservePlaces
Anabranch South, NSW Barnsley, NSW Bundaberg North, QLD Kinka Beach, QLD Lake Cargelligo, NSW Lake Innes, NSW Marble Bar, WA Nelly Bay, QLD Port Hedland, WA Rankins Springs, NSW Richmond, QLD Splitters Creek, NSW Tibooburra, NSW Urana, NSW Wooroonook, VIC