Calochilus sp. aff. gracillimus
Unidentified Fungus
Leucocoprinus sp.
Perameles nasuta
Poecilometis sp. (genus)
Unidentified Insect
Unidentified Nocturnal Bird
Scopula rubraria
Unidentified Monotreme
Lepidosperma laterale
Unidentified Plant
Trombidiidae (family)
Allocasuarina littoralis
zz agaric (stem; gills white/cream)
Unidentified Disk-like to cup-like
Unidentified Skipper (Hesperiidae)
Epithymema incomposita
Unidentified Spider (Araneae)
Arunta perulata
Unidentified Leafhopper or planthopper (Hemiptera, several families)
Unidentified Flower wasp (Scoliidae or Tiphiidae)
Unidentified Bee (Hymenoptera, Apiformes)
Unidentified Darkling beetle (Tenebrionidae)
Unidentified Other Shrub
Unidentified Spider
Unidentified Beetle (Coleoptera)
Unidentified Other Wildflower or Herb
Cephrenes augiades
Coleus australis
Unidentified True fly (Diptera)
Xanthorrhoea concava
Malurus lamberti
Hypericum gramineum
Unidentified Mammal
Acacia buxifolia subsp. buxifolia
Phaps elegans
Peniophora sp.
Casbia tanaoctena
Pholiota highlandensis
Clavulinopsis depokensis
Nothojafner cryptotricha
Unidentified Bird
Astraeus hygrometricus
1 2 3 4 5 6
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