
Member of NPA ACT, FoAB, GBRG and Field Naturalists of the ACT. Retired earth scientist.

Page 6 of 24 - image sightings only

Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Eastern Blue-tongue) at Aranda, ACT - 31 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Gymnorhina tibicen (Australian Magpie) at Aranda, ACT - 30 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Aranda, ACT - 30 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Aranda, ACT - 29 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Taxeotis stereospila (Taxeotis stereospila) at Aranda, ACT - 29 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Hypodoxa muscosaria (Textured Emerald) at Aranda, ACT - 29 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides (Eastern Blue-tongue) at Aranda, ACT - 29 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Diuris subalpina (Small Snake Orchid) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Stackhousia monogyna (Creamy Candles) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Brachyscome decipiens (Field Daisy) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) (Bears Ears) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Ranunculus lappaceus (Australian Buttercup) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Myrmecia sp., pilosula-group (Jack jumper) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 28 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Taxeotis exsectaria (Ochre-headed Taxeotis) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 27 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Sarcophagidae sp. (family) (Unidentified flesh fly) at Aranda, ACT - 27 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Melanodes anthracitaria (Black Geometrid) at Aranda, ACT - 27 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Taxeotis stereospila (Taxeotis stereospila) at Aranda, ACT - 24 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Heteropsilopus sp. (genus) (A long legged fly) at Aranda, ACT - 24 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Aranda, ACT - 23 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Agrotis munda (Brown Cutworm) at Aranda, ACT - 21 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Pogona barbata (Eastern Bearded Dragon) at Aranda, ACT - 20 Oct 2023 by KMcCue
Lepidoptera unclassified IMMATURE moth at Aranda, ACT - 2 Sep 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Insect at Aranda, ACT - 2 Sep 2023 by KMcCue
Callocephalon fimbriatum (Gang-gang Cockatoo) at Aranda, ACT - 1 Sep 2023 by KMcCue
Pachycephala pectoralis (Golden Whistler) at Belconnen, ACT - 29 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Corcorax melanorhamphos (White-winged Chough) at Belconnen, ACT - 29 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) (Bears Ears) at Belconnen, ACT - 29 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Perga sp. (genus) (Sawfly or Spitfire) at Aranda, ACT - 27 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Armadillidium vulgare (Slater bug, woodlouse, pill bug, roley poley) at Aranda, ACT - 27 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Camponotus consobrinus (Banded sugar ant) at Belconnen, ACT - 23 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Kingston, ACT - 22 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Acacia dealbata (Silver Wattle) at Kingston, ACT - 22 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Coprosma hirtella (Currant Bush) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 12 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Insect at Aranda, ACT - 9 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Berberis aquifolium (Oregon Grape) at Belconnen, ACT - 7 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Formicidae (family) (Unidentified ant) at Aranda, ACT - 7 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Carthamus lanatus (Saffron Thistle) at Belconnen, ACT - 6 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Junonia villida (Meadow Argus) at Aranda, ACT - 5 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Harmonia conformis (Common Spotted Ladybird) at Aranda, ACT - 4 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Falco berigora (Brown Falcon) at Morans Crossing, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (Australian Fur-seal) at Merimbula, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Merimbula, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) at Merimbula, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Poliocephalus poliocephalus (Hoary-headed Grebe) at Merimbula, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Manorina melanophrys (Bell Miner) at Merimbula, NSW - 3 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Termite (superfamily Termitoidea) at Black Range, NSW - 2 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Moth (Lepidoptera) at Black Range, NSW - 2 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Falco berigora (Brown Falcon) at Tuggeranong, ACT - 2 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Erebidae (family) at Aranda, ACT - 1 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Formicidae (family) (Unidentified ant) at Aranda, ACT - 1 Aug 2023 by KMcCue
Melangyna viridiceps (Hover fly) at Aranda, ACT - 29 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Aranda, ACT - 24 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Osphranter robustus (Wallaroo) at Booth, ACT - 22 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Tortricidae (family) at Aranda, ACT - 19 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Araneinae (subfamily) (Orb weaver) at Aranda, ACT - 19 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Gonipterus sp. (genus) (Eucalyptus Weevil) at Aranda, ACT - 17 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Neosparassus sp. (genus) (Unidentified Badge huntsman) at Aranda, ACT - 11 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Isotenes miserana (Orange Fruit Borer) at Aranda, ACT - 3 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Eolophus roseicapilla (Galah) at Aranda, ACT - 2 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Alisterus scapularis (Australian King-Parrot) at Aranda, ACT - 2 Jul 2023 by KMcCue
Ptilonorhynchus violaceus (Satin Bowerbird) at Aranda, ACT - 28 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Oxycanus dirempta (Variable Oxycanus) at Black Range, NSW - 6 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Trigonospila sp. (genus) (A Bristle Fly) at Aranda, ACT - 2 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Banksia spinulosa (Hairpin Banksia) at Tianjara, NSW - 1 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Eopsaltria australis (Eastern Yellow Robin) at Tianjara, NSW - 1 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Lambertia formosa (Mountain Devil) at Tianjara, NSW - 1 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Caustis flexuosa (Curly Wigs) at Tianjara, NSW - 1 Jun 2023 by KMcCue
Haliaeetus leucogaster (White-bellied Sea-Eagle) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Anthochaera chrysoptera (Little Wattlebird) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Cracticus torquatus (Grey Butcherbird) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Delphinus delphis at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Arctocephalus pusillus doriferus (Australian Fur-seal) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Haematopus fuliginosus (Sooty Oystercatcher) at Ulladulla, NSW - 31 May 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Fungus at Cotter River, ACT - 27 May 2023 by KMcCue
Berberis aquifolium (Oregon Grape) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 13 May 2023 by KMcCue
Cortinarius sp. (Cortinarius) at Rendezvous Creek, ACT - 13 May 2023 by KMcCue
Chrysolarentia subrectaria (A Geometer moth) at Aranda, ACT - 11 May 2023 by KMcCue
Aphelocephala leucopsis (Southern Whiteface) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Lepidoptera unclassified ADULT moth (Unidentified - Moth) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Unidentified Moth (Lepidoptera) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Scopula optivata (Varied Wave) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Smyriodes undescribed species nr aplectaria at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Faveria tritalis (Couchgrass Webworm) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Chrysopidae (family) (Unidentified Green lacewing) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Delena cancerides (Social huntsman spider) at Crowther, NSW - 2 May 2023 by KMcCue
Abantiades labyrinthicus (Labyrinthine Ghost Moth) at Crowther, NSW - 1 May 2023 by KMcCue
Zanda funerea (Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo) at Royalla, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Nimmitabel, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Nimmitabel, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Fulica atra (Eurasian Coot) at Nimmitabel, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Pieris rapae (Cabbage White) at Nimmitabel, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Pseudemoia spenceri (Spencer's Skink) at Glen Allen, NSW - 25 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Austrelaps ramsayi (Highlands Copperhead) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Cacomantis flabelliformis (Fan-tailed Cuckoo) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Heteronympha merope (Common Brown Butterfly) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Oreixenica lathoniella (Silver Xenica) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Chalcidoidea (superfamily) (A gall wasp or Chalcid wasp) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue
Spaniopsis sp. (genus) (Biting snipe fly) at Glen Allen, NSW - 24 Apr 2023 by KMcCue

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