Pileus: convex; 130 mm broad, red when fresh, smooth.
Stipe: equal or attenuated below, non-reticulate, but distinctly striate; red on a pale cream background.
Pores: free, excavated from stipe; pale orange yellow.
Spores: broadly ellipsoid or slightly amygdaliform in side-view; 13.2 - 15.4 × 6.5 - 8.3 μm; irregularly and minutely cratered; ornamentation not restricted to the central zone, ganodermatoid, thick-walled.
Basidia: pedicellate strongly swollen above; 30 - 31 × 13 - 14 μm; 4-spored.
Cheilocystidia: clavate, with or without a tapered neck, apex obtuse; 35 - 36 × 10 - 12 μm.
Pleurocystidia: scattered tramal, lageniform with long elongate neck, 60 - 78 × 13 - 14 μm and apex 5.5 μm broad, thick-walled, some septate.
Pileipellis: a tangled collapsed trichoderm of interwoven hyaline or slightly honey-coloured, cylindric hyphae (5-8 μm diam.), sharply branched and interlocked, with obtuse to clavate end cells (- 10 μm) aggregated into pyramidal irregularities.
Habitat: in dry sclerophyll forest in sand or free draining soil.
Notes: H. fruticicola was originally described by Berkeley (1848) from Tasmania (Penguite, Gunn 1775, K) and characterised by its smooth, non-reticulate stipe and red pileus. Watling placed this species in Austroboletus. Horak transferred the species to Heimioporus in 2004.
Ref:- © Roy Halling
Heimioporus fruticicola (Berk.) Horak. is listed in the following regions:
Bodalla State ForestPlaces
Kianga, NSW