Water bird sightings


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Page 31 of 107 - image sightings only

Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at South Bruny, TAS - 21 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Phalacrocorax fuscescens (Black-faced Cormorant) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 21 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Mungo Brush, NSW - 20 Sep 2022 by GlossyGal
Gallinago hardwickii (Latham's Snipe) at Fyshwick, ACT - 20 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Eli Waters, QLD - 19 Sep 2022 by Paul4K
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Eli Waters, QLD - 19 Sep 2022 by Paul4K
Haematopus longirostris (Australian Pied Oystercatcher) at South Bruny, TAS - 19 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Haematopus fuliginosus (Sooty Oystercatcher) at South Bruny, TAS - 19 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at South Bruny, TAS - 19 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Ephippiorhynchus asiaticus (Black-necked Stork) at Kununurra, WA - 19 Sep 2022 by AaronClausen
Morus serrator (Australasian Gannet) at Hawks Nest, NSW - 19 Sep 2022 by GlossyGal
Haematopus fuliginosus (Sooty Oystercatcher) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 19 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Tribonyx mortierii (Tasmanian Nativehen) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 19 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) at Eli Waters, QLD - 19 Sep 2022 by Paul4K
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Eli Waters, QLD - 19 Sep 2022 by Paul4K
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Larus pacificus (Pacific Gull) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Haematopus longirostris (Australian Pied Oystercatcher) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Larus dominicanus (Kelp Gull) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Adventure Bay, TAS - 18 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Actitis hypoleucos (Common Sandpiper) at Greenway, ACT - 18 Sep 2022 by TomW
Platalea regia (Royal Spoonbill) at Fyshwick, ACT - 18 Sep 2022 by dougsky
Phalacrocorax sulcirostris (Little Black Cormorant) at Eli Waters, QLD - 18 Sep 2022 by Paul4K
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Throsby, ACT - 18 Sep 2022 by davobj
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Hawker, ACT - 17 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Irediparra gallinacea (Comb-crested Jacana) at Kununurra, WA - 17 Sep 2022 by AaronClausen
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at O'Malley, ACT - 17 Sep 2022 by Mike
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Kingston, ACT - 16 Sep 2022 by Priscilla
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Moss Vale, NSW - 16 Sep 2022 by JanHartog
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Belconnen, ACT - 16 Sep 2022 by Dugite
Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck) at Hattah, VIC - 16 Sep 2022 by HelenCross
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Lyneham, ACT - 16 Sep 2022 by RobertD
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Oakdale, NSW - 14 Sep 2022 by bufferzone
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Dareton, NSW - 14 Sep 2022 by HelenCross
Bubulcus coromandus (Eastern Cattle Egret) at Fyshwick, ACT - 14 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck) at Coomealla, NSW - 13 Sep 2022 by HelenCross
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Mittagong, NSW - 13 Sep 2022 by JanHartog
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Maydena, TAS - 12 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Bruce, ACT - 12 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Coree, ACT - 10 Sep 2022 by wombey
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Mawson, ACT - 10 Sep 2022 by dougsky
Larus dominicanus (Kelp Gull) at Southwest, TAS - 10 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Lewinia pectoralis (Lewin's Rail) at Strathgordon, TAS - 10 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) at Symonston, ACT - 10 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Bellingen, NSW - 9 Sep 2022 by Topknot
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Yass, NSW - 9 Sep 2022 by JohnDM
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Acton, ACT - 9 Sep 2022 by HelenCross
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Amaroo, ACT - 8 Sep 2022 by TrishGungahlin
Porphyrio melanotus (Australasian Swamphen) at Mawson, ACT - 7 Sep 2022 by dougsky
Tribonyx mortierii (Tasmanian Nativehen) at Cradle Mountain, TAS - 7 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Greenway, ACT - 7 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Haematopus fuliginosus (Sooty Oystercatcher) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Haematopus longirostris (Australian Pied Oystercatcher) at Don, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Larus pacificus (Pacific Gull) at Devonport, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Haematopus longirostris (Australian Pied Oystercatcher) at Devonport, TAS - 6 Sep 2022 by Rixon
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Belconnen, ACT - 6 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Belconnen, ACT - 6 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Himantopus leucocephalus (Pied Stilt) at Lake Cargelligo, NSW - 5 Sep 2022 by Harrisi
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Gungahlin, ACT - 4 Sep 2022 by TrishGungahlin
Tadorna tadornoides (Australian Shelduck) at Tarago, NSW - 4 Sep 2022 by roman_soroka
Pelecanus conspicillatus (Australian Pelican) at Lake Cargelligo, NSW - 4 Sep 2022 by Darcy
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae (Silver Gull) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Tachybaptus novaehollandiae (Australasian Grebe) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Phalacrocorax carbo (Great Cormorant) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Anhinga novaehollandiae (Australasian Darter) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Himantopus leucocephalus (Pied Stilt) at Wilcannia, NSW - 3 Sep 2022 by Darcy
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Porphyrio melanotus (Australasian Swamphen) at Greenway, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Greenway, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Egretta novaehollandiae (White-faced Heron) at Greenway, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Chenonetta jubata (Australian Wood Duck) at Greenway, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Anas platyrhynchos (Mallard (Domestic Type)) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Microcarbo melanoleucos (Little Pied Cormorant) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Gordon, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by RodDeb
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Belconnen, ACT - 3 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) at Belconnen, ACT - 2 Sep 2022 by AlisonMilton
Threskiornis molucca (Australian White Ibis) at Wodonga, VIC - 2 Sep 2022 by KylieWaldon
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Wodonga, VIC - 2 Sep 2022 by KylieWaldon
Anas superciliosa (Pacific Black Duck) at Paddys River, ACT - 31 Aug 2022 by HappyWanderer
Larus pacificus (Pacific Gull) at Aldinga Beach, SA - 31 Aug 2022 by Christine
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Paddys River, ACT - 31 Aug 2022 by TimL
Cygnus atratus (Black Swan) at Paddys River, ACT - 31 Aug 2022 by TimL
Anas castanea (Chestnut Teal) at Throsby, ACT - 31 Aug 2022 by davobj
Gallinula tenebrosa (Dusky Moorhen) at Ainslie, ACT - 30 Aug 2022 by cmobbs
Vanellus miles (Masked Lapwing) at Greenway, ACT - 30 Aug 2022 by RodDeb
Peltohyas australis (Inland Dotterel) at Tibooburra, NSW - 29 Aug 2022 by Darcy
Recurvirostra novaehollandiae (Red-necked Avocet) at Tibooburra, NSW - 29 Aug 2022 by Darcy

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