Daisy sightings


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Page 73 of 122 - image sightings only

Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Forde, ACT - 3 Mar 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia sp. (Fuzzweed) at Forde, ACT - 3 Mar 2021 by tpreston
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Deakin, ACT - 3 Mar 2021 by JackyF
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Hughes, ACT - 2 Mar 2021 by JackyF
Senecio linearifolius (Fireweed Groundsel, Fireweed) at Brindabella, NSW - 1 Mar 2021 by michaelb
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Brindabella, NSW - 1 Mar 2021 by michaelb
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Brindabella, NSW - 1 Mar 2021 by michaelb
Brachyscome rigidula (Hairy Cut-leaf Daisy) at Burra, NSW - 27 Feb 2021 by Safarigirl
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Karabar, NSW - 27 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Xerochrysum viscosum (Sticky Everlasting) at Karabar, NSW - 27 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Leucochrysum albicans (Hoary Sunray) at Karabar, NSW - 27 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Brachyscome rigidula (Hairy Cut-leaf Daisy) at Karabar, NSW - 27 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Chrysocephalum sp. (Everlasting) at Gundaroo, NSW - 26 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Gundaroo, NSW - 26 Feb 2021 by MaartjeSevenster
Chondrilla juncea (Skeleton Weed) at Griffith, ACT - 26 Feb 2021 by AlexKirk
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Hall, ACT - 26 Feb 2021 by pinnaCLE
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Holt, ACT - 25 Feb 2021 by drakes
Crepis capillaris (Smooth Hawksbeard) at Wamboin, NSW - 25 Feb 2021 by natureguy
Coronidium oxylepis subsp. lanatum (Woolly Pointed Everlasting) at Bruce, ACT - 25 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Cook, ACT - 24 Feb 2021 by drakes
Chondrilla juncea (Skeleton Weed) at Griffith, ACT - 24 Feb 2021 by ianandlibby1
Coronidium sp. at Mongarlowe, NSW - 23 Feb 2021 by MelitaMilner
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Lyneham, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Pseudognaphalium luteoalbum (Jersey Cudweed) at Lyneham, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Erigeron bonariensis (Flaxleaf Fleabane) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by Mike
Erigeron sumatrensis (Tall Fleabane) at Jerrabomberra, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by Mike
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Hughes, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Erigeron bonariensis (Flaxleaf Fleabane) at Tennent, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Euchiton involucratus (Star Cudweed) at Tennent, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia cuneata var. cuneata (Fuzzy New Holland Daisy) at Tennent, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Chondrilla juncea (Skeleton Weed) at Tennent, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Tennent, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
 at Paddys River, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by trevorpreston
Centipeda cunninghamii (Common Sneezeweed) at Paddys River, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Podolepis jaceoides (Showy Copper-wire Daisy) at Cotter River, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by trevorpreston
Coronidium scorpioides (Button Everlasting) at Cotter River, ACT - 23 Feb 2021 by trevorpreston
Calendula officinalis (English or Pot Marigold) at Lyneham, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Erigeron karvinskianus (Seaside Daisy) at Canberra, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Tuggeranong DC, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Carthamus lanatus (Saffron Thistle) at Tuggeranong DC, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Xanthium spinosum (Bathurst Burr) at Tuggeranong DC, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Watson, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Watson, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Watson, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Erigeron sumatrensis (Tall Fleabane) at Gordon, ACT - 22 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Cook, ACT - 21 Feb 2021 by drakes
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Majura, ACT - 21 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Coree, ACT - 21 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Chrysocephalum semipapposum (Clustered Everlasting) at Coree, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Bruce, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by goyenjudy
Hypochaeris radicata (Cat's Ear, Flatweed) at Bruce, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by goyenjudy
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at O'Malley, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by Mike
Erigeron sp. (Fleabanes) at Griffith, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by ianandlibby1
Podolepis robusta (Alpine Podolepis) at Cotter River, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by MatthewFrawley
Ozothamnus cupressoides (Kerosine Bush) at Cotter River, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by RAllen
Ozothamnus cupressoides (Kerosine Bush) at Cotter River, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by MatthewFrawley
Xerochrysum subundulatum (Alpine Everlasting) at Cotter River, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by MatthewFrawley
Vittadinia cuneata var. cuneata (Fuzzy New Holland Daisy) at Hughes, ACT - 20 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Leucochrysum alpinum (Alpine Sunray) at Cotter River, ACT - 19 Feb 2021 by MatthewFrawley
Helichrysum leucopsideum (Satin Everlasting) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 19 Feb 2021 by LisaH
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Wamboin, NSW - 19 Feb 2021 by Devesons
Coronidium gunnianum (Gunn's Everlasting) at Mongarlowe, NSW - 19 Feb 2021 by LisaH
Erigeron canadensis (Canadian Fleabane) at Lake George, NSW - 18 Feb 2021 by rainer
Carthamus lanatus (Saffron Thistle) at Hughes, ACT - 18 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Lagenophora montana (Mountain Lagenophora) at Currawang, NSW - 18 Feb 2021 by camcols
Matricaria chamomilla (Chamomile Daisy) at Lyneham, ACT - 17 Feb 2021 by Tapirlord
Hypochaeris radicata (Cat's Ear, Flatweed) at Mitchell, ACT - 17 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Tolpis barbata (Yellow Hawkweed) at Bruce, ACT - 14 Feb 2021 by goyenjudy
Euchiton sp. (A Cudweed) at Wamboin, NSW - 14 Feb 2021 by natureguy
Centipeda cunninghamii (Common Sneezeweed) at Currawang, NSW - 14 Feb 2021 by camcols
Xanthium spinosum (Bathurst Burr) at Thurgoona, NSW - 14 Feb 2021 by ChrisAllen
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Forde, ACT - 14 Feb 2021 by HarveyPerkins
Chrysocephalum apiculatum (Common Everlasting) at Murrumbateman, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Lade Vale, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) (Bears Ears) at Lade Vale, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Lade Vale, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Lade Vale, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Hypochaeris radicata (Cat's Ear, Flatweed) at Lade Vale, NSW - 13 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Bruce, ACT - 12 Feb 2021 by goyenjudy
Podolepis jaceoides (Showy Copper-wire Daisy) at Paddys River, ACT - 11 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Cirsium vulgare (Spear Thistle) at Paddys River, ACT - 11 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Senecio diaschides (Erect Groundsel) at Paddys River, ACT - 11 Feb 2021 by michaelb
Cymbonotus sp. (preissianus or lawsonianus) (Bears Ears) at Hughes, ACT - 11 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Cassinia sifton (Sifton Bush, Chinese Shrub) at Hall, ACT - 10 Feb 2021 by pinnaCLE
Vittadinia muelleri (Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy) at Deakin, ACT - 10 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Deakin, ACT - 10 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at Cook, ACT - 9 Feb 2021 by drakes
Calotis lappulacea (Yellow Burr Daisy) at Holt, ACT - 9 Feb 2021 by tpreston
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Watson, ACT - 8 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Watson, ACT - 8 Feb 2021 by waltraud
Carthamus lanatus (Saffron Thistle) at Bruce, ACT - 7 Feb 2021 by goyenjudy
Carduus nutans (Nodding Thistle) at Cooleman, NSW - 7 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Leucochrysum albicans subsp. tricolor (Hoary Sunray) at Jerrabomberra, NSW - 7 Feb 2021 by JackyF
Achillea millefolium (Yarrow) at Bimberi, NSW - 7 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Cassinia quinquefaria (Rosemary Cassinia) at O'Connor, ACT - 6 Feb 2021 by ConBoekel
Xerochrysum subundulatum (Alpine Everlasting) at Bimberi, NSW - 6 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Coronidium monticola (Mountain Button Everlasting) at Cooleman, NSW - 6 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Chondrilla juncea (Skeleton Weed) at Cooleman, NSW - 6 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Carduus nutans (Nodding Thistle) at Cooleman, NSW - 6 Feb 2021 by alex_watt
Tragopogon sp. (A Goatsbeard) at Cooleman, NSW - 6 Feb 2021 by alex_watt

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