Tips for submitting spider sightings:
Photos from various angles are sometimes necessary for specific ID.
Comments or photos on the following also provides valuable information if/when such features are applicable and observed...
Please note that the size of the spider is measured by body length.
(Updated: October, 2022. Please feel free to message a spider moderator if you have any queries or suggestions for improvement)
Hello NatureMaprs!This is an appeal to any current moderators or those looking to become a moderator. NatureMapr is now recieving an increased number of sightings from the NSW North Coast region (exci...
NatureMapr partners with NSW BCT on next phase of Land Libraries
I'm glad we got attacked - platform outage update
Change to user profile page structure
Lampona cylindrata at Hawker, ACT
Oxyopes sp. (genus) at Higgins, ACT
Sparassidae (family) at Higgins, ACT
Oxyopes sp. (genus) at Higgins, ACT
Austracantha minax at Whitlam, ACT
Austracantha minax at Whitlam, ACT
Holconia immanis at Depot Beach, NSW